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Online Based
Valerye Woodruff

I empower individuals to transform their limits and reclaim ownership over their lives through yogic philosophy, transformative coaching, and outdoor recreation.


Inner Diamond Coaching 1:1 and group coaching based online

A Structured Place for Messy Transformations

Diamonds are exquisite, but they require pressure to transform. Over time, they also become clouded with dirt and dust, their true brilliance buried. Coaching is the process of reclaiming and polishing your inner diamond: your soul.


If something feels out of alignment, let’s apply a little pressure, and shake off the dust…


"Beauty is about enhancing what you have. Let yourself shine through" - Janelle Monae


Sessions are available online and in person. To support more equitable access to coaching, I offer a 20% discount to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. I welcome people/seekers/clients of all races, ethnicities, ages, genders, sexual orientations, relationship structures, and religions to this space.

Our unconscious beliefs drive our internal reality and form our external world. Yogic principle is about becoming aware of the internal to shift the external. Transformative coaching hands you the compass back.


Voicing your inner journey makes the unconscious, conscious, so that YOU reclaim authority of your life. Yogic philosophy, along with your own passions and values, align to become your north star.


But although transformation is a journey of the self, it does not mean you have to navigate change alone. Through coaching, we walk the path together. We equip your mental and emotional backpack with tools to make the load lighter, and the destination clearer.

What is transformative coaching and yogic philosophy?

Tools & Strategies for Higher Consciousness, Inspired by Vedic Philosophy


“If you are looking to be inspired, find inner healing, process, grow, and transform, working with Valerye is a great place to start your journey!” - Nina


How do I know if I’m ready for this style of coaching?

Am I motivated to take actionable steps?


Am I ready to drop my ego at the door?


Am I passionate about changing my behavior?


Am I willing to be vulnerable?


Am I ready to get out of my own way?


Am I excited about creating my dream life?


Has my traditional behavioral therapy plateaued?















I want to help you perform a little spiritual alchemy.

Hi, I’m Valerye

Transformative Coach, Adventurer + Yogic Student

Exploring the Dualities of Reality, Reclaiming Wholeness of Self, and Discovering Truth

Early in my life, I felt my identity fractured by abuse and trauma. It inspired me to reclaim my truth in the outdoors, immersive travel and yogic philosophy. I believe deeply that those experiences facilitated my own transformation through trauma, and guided me here to help you with yours.


We’re conditioned to run from our dark energies like shame, anxiety and fear. But what if we face them with grace and acceptance instead? What if we found healthier ways to channel them, manage them, or even transform them?


Outdoor Recreation Leadership, AA

Student of Bhakti Yoga, taught by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Foundational Seminar, Satvatove Institute

Advanced Seminar, Satvatove Institute

Principles and Practices of Transformative Coaching, Satvatove Institute

Wilderness First Responder, NOLS

Swift Water Rescue, Sierra Rescue

Completed 200 hr YTT with Kula collective

The cure to depression is action.

- Yvon Chouinard, Founder of Patagonia



Coaching and therapeutic support can be financially inaccessible, particularly to folks in historically marginalized communities. Because of my explicit personal commitment to anti-racism and in an effort to make access to coaching and therapy more equitable, I offer a 20% discount to Black, Indigenous, and people of color.


Mainstream western psychology has historically oppressed Black, Indigenous and people of color and those with 'neurodivergent' ways of processing and engaging with the world. That said, I believe coaching can support everyone (at least everyone should have the opportunity to try) by creating a unique space to: consider your goals, support interpersonal relationships, enhance greater self awareness, etc. I am passionate about fully understanding and dismantling legacies of racism, sexism, and ageism in the field of psychology.


I am a white, cis-woman and I welcome discussions or feedback around how I can create the most inclusive space for you. I am committed to consistently educating myself, engaging in dialogue, and critically considering how my privilege shows up in my actions and thoughts.  I am committed to centering you and your unique identity with non-judgemental curiosity.



I’d love to connect and share with you. If you feel inspired, please subscribe for stories, tools, strategies, and upcoming events. I send them out once or twice a month.


Inner Diamond Coaching | Transformative Coaching based in Moab, UT

© 2023 Inner Diamond Coaching | All Rights Reserved | Brand & Website By Issa Designs | Website Copy By Mariah Arianna

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